Monday, May 25, 2020

I Have An Assignment For You - 710 Words

I have an assignment for you that will be more challenging than pressing up into handstand or putting both legs behind your head. In fact, you have to be a real yogi to accept. Are you ready? Here it is: Be nice all day, from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep. Be kind and generous in your thoughts, speech actions and feelings. If it sounds easy and you don’t believe me, try giving it a shot before you shrug it off. Because in between traffic jams, travel delays, dirty dishes, barking dogs, screaming babies, bills to pay, laundry piles and a thousand other things that line your to-do list, it can be easy to get annoyed or frustrated with the world around you. Take time to reflect on your day so far. If you snapped at anyone †¦ judged someone harshly (including yourself) †¦ honked your horn in frustration †¦ or harbored negativity of any kind †¦ then you failed the test already. See? It’s not as easy as it seems to be genuinely nice all day in every way. In fact, it might just be impossible. After more than fifteen years of a steady Ashtanga Yoga practice, I now measure my success in the practice of yoga by how long I’m able to keep my emotional center spacious enough to be genuinely kind. Trust me, it’s almost easy to get on the mat and bend and twist your body in comparison. And it is much harder to maintain a kind and generous heart in the face of adversity and stress. But the real yoga happens off the mat. The purpose of every yoga pose is really toShow MoreRelatedWeek 4 Personal Strategy Card EXP105 Aug2014 Essay1163 Words   |  5 Pagesdegree to which you use each of your Learning Patterns. (Refer to the Personal Learning Profile you developed for your Week Two assignment and any feedback provided by your instructor to determine if you need to refine your responses as you complete this section.) Sequence: Sequence is something I did not realize that I use on a daily basis and how important it is to my daily life. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Purposes of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his...

On August 28, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his â€Å"I have a dream† speech in front of the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. Attended by over 200, 00 people after the â€Å"March on Washington† for jobs and freedom. As a civil rights activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his speech to all Americans without targeting a specific race, age group, or gender. His purpose for the speech was to inspire a change in both white and black citizens during the civil right era. He spoke about the discrimination, injustices, and segregation of African Americas that was taking place in the United States. The speech called out for the rights of all people, unity among all Americans, determination, equality and freedom among all people. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opens his speech with â€Å"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the emancipation proclamation†, which freed all slaves and gave hope. He immediately mentions how 100 years later the Negro is still not free and is being treated unequal. He advises all Americans to take action immediately but to do so in a non-violent way. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made it aware that he wasn’t blind by all the pain and suffering they were going through but he was still holding on to his dream that one day everyone would be able to live in harmony. He also invokes authority by using the Declaration of Independence. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. quotes, ‘â€Å"unalienable Rights† of â€Å"Life, Liberty and the pursuitShow MoreRelatedLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 PagesIn 1919, when Langston Hughes was seventeen years old, he spent the summer with his father, Jim Hughes, in Tolu ca, Mexico. Langston had not seen his father since he was a small child, and he was excited about making the trip. However, during this visit, no affectionate bond would develop between Langston and Jim. Jim Hughes was a cold, difficult man, who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. He had moved to Mexico to avoid segregation and racial injustice in the United StatesRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesindex. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Management—-Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173—dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesContents Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum †¢ The Power of Management Capital 1. New Management for Business Growth in a Demanding Economy 1 1 Text Jones−George †¢ Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition I. Management 17 17 2. The Evolution of Management Thought Hughes−Ginnett−Curphy †¢ Leadership, Fifth Edition I. Leadership is a Process, Not a Position 51 51 70 1. Leadership is Everyone’s Business 2. Interaction between the Leader, the Followers the Situation Cohen †¢ Effective Behavior in OrganizationsRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. — 15th ed. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-283487-2 ISBN-10: 0-13-283487-1 1. Organizational behavior. I. Judge, Tim. II. Title. HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3—dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual Read MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagescustomers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 WVR/WVR 0 9 8 7 ISBN 978-0-07-340334-2 MHID 0-07-340334-2 Editorial director: Stewart Mattson Publisher: Tim Vertovec Executive editor: Richard T. Hercher, Jr. Developmental editor: Gail Korosa Associate marketing manager: Jaime Halterman Project manager: Harvey Yep Production supervisor: Carol Bielski Designer: Mary Kazak Vander Photo researcher: Jeremy Cheshareck Media project manager: Cathy Tepper CoverRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words   |  1056 Pagesbetter study smarter save money From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Treaty Of Paris After The War Between Great Britain...

In 1782, Benjamin Franklin had formally turned down a substantial peace advancement from Great Britain for a settlement that would support the thirteen colonies with some measure of self-government within the British Empire. Franklin demanded on British recognizing American independence but he refused to consider a peace treaty to separate from France, which was one of America’s allies. Franklin agreed to the negotiations with the British for an end to the war. Peace commissioners John Adams and John Jay joined in, Franklin engaged the British in formal discussions beginning on September 27, 1782. Britain signed separate peace agreements with each of the counties that were involved in knowing about the treaty, either if the country is with or against it. The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was signed in Paris by Great Britain and representatives of the United States on September 3, 1783. The Treaty of Paris ended the war between Great Britain and The United states, also known as The Revolutionary War and The American Revolution acknowledging the existence of the United States as a sovereign country. After the British defeated Yorktown, the American Peace Commissioners Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, John Adams, and Richard Oswarld representing Great Britain, started talking about peace in Paris on April 1782. The American negotiators joined Henry Laurens two days before the preliminary articles of peace were signed on November 30, 1782. The Treaty of Paris ended the war and was notShow MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of Paris And Indian War876 Words   |  4 PagesOutline: 1. From one war to another a.) French and Indian War b.) Ended by the Treaty of Paris 2. Revolutionary War a.) Negotiations between Great Britain and America b.) Informal articles of peace 3. Ending of the Revolutionary War a.) Articles of peace b.) Formal agreements between Great Britain and America c.) Treaty of Paris [ The Treaty of Paris, The ending of the Revolutionary War ] In 1763, the treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War between Great Britain and France, alongRead MoreWorld War Ii Was A Global War That Lasted From 1939 To1236 Words   |  5 PagesWorld War II was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved majority of the world’s countries including the Axis alliances (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Allies (Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union. Both Europe and the Pacific had a lot of problems going on in each region due to the rise of Nazis in Germany and Japans lust for territorial expansion which led them to seize the Chinese Territory of Manchuria. In the European theater, the war started when the tyrantRead MoreThe Battle That Created America1126 Words   |  5 PagesBratton The Battle that Created America The Revolutionary War was fought between the colonies of North America and the British Empire. This fight was to gain independence from the British Colonies and to establish America as an independent nation. Although the colonies of North America were on the continent by themselves, they did not have their own freedom from Great Britain. There were many important events leading up to the Revolutionary War. First, the Stamp Act put a tax on all the paper in theRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles, Reparations, And The Locarno Pact1528 Words   |  7 Pages1919, the Paris Peace Conference organized by the triumphant leaders of World War I, initiate reparations and peace treaties amongst the Allied and Associated Powers and the conquered Central Powers it led to the rise of the treaty of Versailles. The progression of the treaties that were discussed in the Paris Peace conference, are what formed the new countries and borders that reshaped the entire map of the world and also resulted in many Empires becoming economically unstable. The Paris Peace ConferenceRead MoreThe United States And Foreign Affairs Essay1430 Words   |  6 Pages1789 through 1800, the United States was greatly involved in foreign affairs. The nation had just been established, and the early United States was greatly influenced by foreign affairs a s a result. International affairs even pushed the young nation to the brink of war. The young United States would attempt to become neutral, however international countries would be influencing in the nation issues, including politics. In George Washington’s second term as president, wars in Europe forced foreignRead MoreThe American Revolutionary War And Defeat Great Britain852 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom Great Britain. It was the British who controlled and basically owned the Thirteen Colonies of North America in which we now know as the United States. Making the lives of American citizens miserable and unable to bare the bondage from the rules, regulations, and tariffs brought on by the British could no longer be tolerated. If all men were to be created equal the Americans wanted just that and that meant having their own control. In order to break away from the bondage Great Britain had onRead MoreWoodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points on the Paris Peace Settlement931 Words   |  4 PagesWilson’s fourteen points on the Paris Peace Settlement and determine whether Wilson was successful in his goals. The Paris of Peace conference was held on January 1919 in Versailles just right outside of Paris. Paris of Peace conference was called to establish reasonable terms to make peace with the countries after World War I. In that conference there was almost thirty nations that were participates. The â€Å"Big Four† were there as well, the big four consisted of Great Britain, represented by David LloydRead MoreOutline Of The Declaration Of Independence1704 Words   |  7 PagesDeclaration of independence was a document written by Thomas Jefferson that declared America’s independence from Britain. The document also stated the natural rights of the people: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 2. Treaty Alliance of 1778 †¢ The Treaty Alliance of 1778 was an alliance created between the United States and France during American Revolution. The alliance gave the United States a significant advantage as they had additional troops and supplies. 3. Articles of Confederation 1781-1789Read MoreTaking a Look at the Paris Conference962 Words   |  4 PagesBefore World War I the notion of a world war was unfathomable; therefore, when an armistice was finally agreed upon in 1918, President Woodrow Wilson immediately formulated a peace proposal that aspired to prevent such hysteria from ever happening again. The document, know as The Fourteen Points, established the basis of a peace treaty and the foundation of a League of Nations, which was a â€Å"general association of nations... formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guaranteesRead MoreThe American Revolution And The War Of Independence999 Words   |  4 PagesAmerican Revolution, also known as the U.S. War of Independence, goes back to 1765-1783. One of the major effects of the American Revolution was that the colonies became recognized as independent. It was now separated from Great Britain. France joined in and became our allies and helped t he colonies in 1778. Since France joined the war, they turned a civil war into an international war. There were a lot of causes that led up to the beginning and the end of the war. There was a lot of causes that led up

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Intellectual Capital Essay Example For Students

Intellectual Capital Essay A Brief Overview of Intellectual Capital and Analysis of the Edvinsson/Malone FrameworkA Brief Overview of Intellectual Capital and Analysis of the Edvinsson/Malone FrameworkII. Definition of Intellectual Capital (pg. 4-6)III. The Importance of Intellectual Capital (pg. 6-7)IV. Analysis of the Edvinsson/Malone Framework (pg. 7-13)V. General Arguments Lodged Against Intellectual Capital (pg. 13-14)Accounting is a science based on observation. As companies change, the way accountants observe companies must change. Traditional balance sheets, income statements, and statement of cash flows no longer adequately describe a company due to the rapid growth of knowledge-based companies, especially in technological sectors. The Internet and a growth in service industries are also accelerating the need for a change in the way we analyze a firm. Financial statements are failing to adequately describe â€Å"corporate vital signs† by ignoring the importance of ideas, brands, ways of working , and franchises. Intellectual Capital (IC) is important to the growth of a company, and investors need to know how a company maintains and evolves the IC within the organization, and how it channels the IC into its products and services. It is believed that the economic boom of the last two decades is due to recent scientific breakthroughs and new information technology. A constant stream of innovations and productivity gains have enhanced the performance of the economy and driven up stock prices. There is a link between the IC of a firm and its ability to contribute to the economy. The commissioner of the Securities Exchange Commission claims that it is because of lack of good measures that we see tremendous volatility in the knowledge sector . The investor demands higher return because of higher perceived risk, leading to an increases the cost of capital. Moreover, the market becomes inefficient because investors are allocating funds with limited information. This paper is designed to outline the current state of the IC. The importance of IC and compatibility with current accepted accounting principles will be discussed. The Edvinsson and Molone proposal for a â€Å"knowledge balance sheet† will also be analyzed. The terms Intellectual Assets and Intellectual Capital are both used to define intangible assets which are not reported in corporations balance sheets but are a driving force in the creation of corporate wealth. The definition of Intellectual Capital (IC) is elusive. Since the study of intangible assets is a relatively new field, varying definitions appear. Steven Wallman, commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission, defines IC as the value of brand-names and the customer base of a firm, as well as the brainpower of the employees and the Research and Development of the firm. Similarly, according to Leif Edvinsson, co-author of the book Intellectual Capital, IC is broken into two main categories : 1. Human Capital: The combined knowledge, skill, and the ability of the companys individual employees to meet the task at hand. It also includes the companys values, culture, and philosophy. Human capital cannot be owned by the company, but the company’s training, support programs, and hiring policy contribute to human capital. 2. Structural Capital: The hardware, software, databases, organizational structure, patents, trademarks, and everything else of organizational capability that supports the productivity of the employees. In a sense, structural capital is knowledge-based assets left at the office when the employees go home. Structural capital also includes customer capital, the relationships developed with key customers. Unlike human capital, structural capital can be owned and thereby traded. Thomas A. Stewart, author of Intellectual Capital, The New Wealth of Organizations, sees three main components of IC: Human Capital, Structural Capital, and Customer Capital . Stewart defines Human Capital as the capabilities of individuals required to provide solutions to customers.† His definition of Structural Capital is the organizational abilities of the organization to meet market requirements . . . to codify bodies of knowledge that can be transferred, to preserve the recipes that might otherwise be lost . . . to connect people to data, experts, and expertiseincluding bodies of knowledgeon a just-in-time basis.† Finally, Stewart adds Customer Capital, which is the value of the business relationships forged by a company. .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .postImageUrl , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:hover , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:visited , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:active { border:0!important; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:active , .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9 .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4273607f70fd25a6c0989620e810f0c9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of truth EssayStewart further narrows the definition by stating that IC must be:1. â€Å"Knowledge that exists in an organization that can be used to create differential advantage.† Therefore, any knowledge in the company