Sunday, November 3, 2019

Digital Media Strategy and Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Digital Media Strategy and Implementation - Essay Example Digital companies focus on being the first to provide news to the people. Their content is different, from business related to political, entertainment and financial; they seek to find the best areas where they can capture the most customers. Speed of browsing and the user friendliness of the sites is a strategy issue too. Of equal importance however, is the provision of the content in mobile phone devices for various customers, enabling people to access them from their mobile browsers. The digital media has engaged itself in a number of issues. Most particularly however, are the businesses and the issues that the business community is facing currently. Focusing on the issues facing Sony and Netflix companies, this paper seeks to address their challenges as highlighted by the blogs. Additionally, it will focus on measures that have been put into place to address the same issues. In the recent past, Sony has made headlines after the announcement of the lunch of the PlayStation 4 game with increased features that will allow online streaming of games. Following this announcement, a series of bulletins have been published focusing on Sony as a company and the PlayStation 4 game as a product. ... The company manufactures mobile phones, home appliances, electronics machines, games and Blu-ray discs. Not only are losses a part of the company’s challenges, the company is also faced with reduced sales of its products, loosing market to competitors like Samsung and the Apple. Samsung has taken over in the smartphone business and home appliances, while Apple has an upper hand in the smartphones and tablets markets. Both companies offer features of online streaming of games, which fiercely counters Sony’s console PlayStation series (Kovach n.p.). This has seen massive losses made by Sony with its PlayStation 3 version of the game. A number of mitigating measures have been put into place by Sony to get her into the top of the business. The CEO of the corporation has decided with other top 40 managers to forgo their annual allowances in a move that will save the company operating expenses in the current financial year, 2013 (Wakabayashi n.p.). Additionally, the company h as improved the features of its intended PlayStation 4, which will allow users to stream games online and thus offer its customers a variety of games. This move is expected to help the company counter games available online such as those offered by Apple and Samsung. The company is investing into the smartphones business, with improved versions of its Sony-experia mobile phones. The company’s revenues are expected to reach at $684.8 million in the fiscal year. Sony is not the only company to receive negative publicity in the digital media due to its challenged business. Netflix, an online movie lending store has too been a center of news headlines in the recent

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